
最新鲜的WEB程序员技术文档及相关资源 – Happy Life, Happy Coding!

7个非常棒的 Gulp 插件

1. Sharp

Gulp plugin to resize image using sharp — [Link]

2. Shorthand

Makes your CSS files lighter and more readable by converting to shorthand — [Link]

3. Responsive

gulp-responsive generates images at different sizes — [Link]

4. Autopolyfiller

Precise polyfills. Automatic and minimal polyfills for your code — [Link]

5. Guppy

Simple git-hook integration for your gulp workflows — [Link]

6. Zip

ZIP compress files — [Link]

7. Duration

Track the duration of parts of your gulp tasks — [Link]

With love,

The rrrepo team ❤


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